Multi-room entertainment


I worked closely with Sonos to bring the delight of asking for music with your voice to the quality of the Sonos experience. 

Sonos has an extremely high bar for seamless speaker management within their app. My challenge was to bring this partner business requirement to voice interaction as customers move throughout their homes.

My role

  • Sole UX designer working closely with user researcher and product owner

  • Drove alignment through design reviews and demos with Sonos product and design teams

  • Wrote research scripts to ensure we covered the essential scenarios


Alexa launched on Sonos and we have since onboarded additional hardware partners making it easier for customers to listen the way they want. 

The framework I developed became the extensible framework for multi-device interactions across Alexa.


  • Conducted surveys and in-home visits to understand how customers move around their spaces

  • Worked closely with product to inform the requirements for an almost entirely ephemeral experience

  • Drafted, reviewed, and iterated a complex set of behavior rules that considered an exhaustive set of conditions

  • Conducted research in an apartment setting to observe customers interacting with the defined behavioral conditions 

Voice frameworks were particularly important for ensuring an experience that could scale to support the myriad configurations customers may have within their homes.

The experience launched with extremely positive reception in the media and from customers.