Care experience


As our MSK+ offerings expand, delivering a consistent care experience means that members see and trust the clinical rigor of the Hinge Health program.

Historically, members were receiving divergent care experiences based on their program. As our programs expand, a dedicated effort to coalesce and define care was crucial.

My role

  • Lead UX designer for the care experience

  • Owned definition, design strategy, and alignment of the core care experience across Hinge Health programs


  • In 2023, we expanded in-app access to clinically-adjacent experiences from 2% to 100% of our USA member population

  • Care engagement skyrocketed and has had a meaningful impact on retention


  • Conducted competitive analysis with a focus on high-end, hospitality-first services to establish norms and patterns beyond healthcare

  • Defined the core care journey to enable members to have a consistent experience along with access to an ever-growing suite of care experiences (i.e. chronic, acute, pelvic, health, ect.)

  • Proactively created framework, display rules, and journey mapping to ensure operational support, consistency of care, and scalability of our programs

  • Worked closely with program owners to eliminate bespoke offerings and ensure a consistent and scalable experience

I defined and documented the core customer journey, identifying where programs would deviate, and where member fall-off was at risk.

Leveraging the care model I’d established, I determined the taxonomy, categorization, and display logic across various touchpoints within the Hinge Health experience.